
Nightmare I can't remember
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Pikmin [Video Games]
Louie/Olimar [Pikmin], Olimar/Olimar's Wife [Pikmin]
Louie [Pikmin], Olimar [Pikmin], Olimar's Wife [Pikmin], Olimar's Son [Pikmin] - Mentioned, Olimar's Daughter [Pikmin] - Mentioned
Additional Tags:
Cute, Happy Ending, Slash, Late At Night, Nightmares, Boys Kissing, Boys in Love, Hugs, Feelings, Cute Ending, Minor Character(s) - Freeform, Cutesy, Bedrooms, Smile, Nose Kissing, Blushing, POV First Person, Word count: 100 - 500, Aliens - Freeform, Polyamory, Olimar’s Wife is named Pedrina, Olimar’s Son is named Omar, Olimar’s Daughter is named Opal, Cross-Posted from AO3, Betaed – No, Autistic Author, Boys' Love, POV Olimar [Pikmin]
Published: 2023-10-14 Words: 303 Chapters: 1/1

Nightmare I can't remember


A cute one-shot with Olimar/Louie.
I still have that nightmare, but Louie is there for me.

Nightmare I can't remember

I wake up in a sweat, my eyes watering, and Louie places a kiss on my nose.

"Another nightmare?" He asks me, concerned.


Louie doesn't say anything else. He's never been much of a talker, unlike my wife Pedrina. Strange, isn't it? I'm still married even though I've been in a relationship with Louie for a month.

When he told me how he loved me, in a rather amusing way, I was astonished. I thought I knew Louie, but I had no idea he loved me. Well, no more than one friend likes another. Still, I returned his love. Since then, we've been going out and sleeping together.

My wife and kids, Omar and Opal, got quite a shock when I told them, but I still live with them, I'm still married. I think, even though she never told me, that she accepted Louie as my lover for my happiness.

"I know it's the same nightmare, but I can never remember it." I said, breaking the silence. "It troubles me."

Louie, in response, kisses me. I blush.

"I understand, Louie. I shouldn't worry. It's just a nightmare. But still..."

Suddenly, I hear someone knocking on the door.

"Is everything all right?" Pedrina asks.

"Yes, dear." I say. "Are we making too much noise? Did we wake the children?"

"No, no, I..."

She looks embarrassed. She apologizes and Louie hears her footsteps drift away.

"I think she's still doubting me." Louie says suddenly. "She must think you and I are just a game. Something that will pass."

"No, not at all! She knows very well I love you, Louie. She's just worried about me. Just like you, in fact."

Louie looks at me and smiles. He's so cute when he smiles. I smile back. We hug and fall asleep in each other's warmth.


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